
The Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Competition (originally Championship) was first held in Ottawa in 1990. From its beginnings in 1990-1995, the competition had been held after the Labour Day weekend. Since August 1996, it has been held annually at the end of August each year. The location of the competition varies from year to year providing a showcase of Canada’s top fiddlers from coast to coast. Approximately 30 fiddlers from across Canada are invited to compete for the title of Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Champion.

CGMFA competition to focus on three pillars of Canadian fiddling.

The CGMFA competition's focus is on three pillars of Canadian fiddling.

The Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association (CGMFA-ACGMV) is dedicated to fostering the preservation and growth of Canadian fiddling. The CGMFA-ACGMV has articulated this objective by establishing three pillars for the annual competition.

The competition:

The CGMFA has reflected these pillars within the structure of the competition. Categories of fiddle styles have been modified to reflect the diversity of Canadian fiddle styles by including such styles as aire, gigue, strathspey and clog.

In recent years, many Canadian fiddlers have delved into improvisation. While the CGMFA-ACGMV recognizes the contribution of improvisation to Canadian fiddling, it does not encourage excessive improvisation. A guideline has been included in the Competition Rules to guide competitors in the use of improvisation.

La Compétition du CGMFA adopte trois piliers du violon canadien.

Des règles de compétition ont été modifiées pour refléter ces trois piliers.

La Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association (CGMFA-ACGMV) se consacre à la stimulation de la conservation et de la croissance de la musique du violon canadien. Le CGMFA-ACGMV a articulé cet objectif en établissant trois piliers pour la compétition annuelle.

La compétition :

Le CGMFA-ACGMV a reflété ces piliers dans la structure de la compétition. Des catégories de styles de violon ont été modifiées pour refléter la diversité des styles canadiens, en incluant des styles tels que l’aire, la gigue, le strathspey et le clog.

Dans les dernières années, plusieurs joueurs de violon canadien ont exploré l’improvisation. Bien que le CGMFA-ACGMV reconnaisse la contribution de l’improvisation, il n’encourage pas une improvisation excessive. Le CGMFA-ACGMV a inclut une directive dans les règles de compétition afin de guider les concurrents dans l’utilisation de l’improvisation.