
Support the CGMFA-ACGMV // Soutenir le CGMFA-ACGMV

The Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association (BN: 87397 0065 RR0001) is tax-exempt and has been recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency as a National Arts Service Organization with charitable status.

Only with the support and dedication of people like you can we continue to provide performance opportunities to hundreds of emerging and established artists throughout Canada, through our annual events, such as the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Competition.

By donating to the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association, you will help:

  • Ensure that we get full representation from all provinces and territories for the Grand Masters Competition

  • Defer the transportation and boarding costs for contestants to travel and compete in the CGM Competition

  • Increase the opportunities available for up and coming performers, as well as established Canadian fiddlers

  • Help defer overall operating costs of the competition

Ways to Donate:

  1. By e-Transfer to:

  2. By PayPal to:

  3. Make an online donation using CanadaHelps: CLICK HERE

    • CanadaHelps offers an online service for making donations to charitable organizations. An income tax receipt will be provided directly from CanadaHelps and you have the option of either providing your contact information to us or remaining anonymous.

  4. By cheque/money order, made payable to Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association CGMFA-ACGMV, and mailed to:
    Attention: Treasurer of the CGMFA
    7912 - 84 Ave
    Edmonton AB
    T6C 1C5

All monetary gifts and donations are tax deductible. Gifts can be in the form of cheque or money order. We will acknowledge your donation with a thank you letter and an income tax receipt.

Please note: Payments of membership fees and/or contributions of service are not tax-deductible.