The official e-newsletter of The Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Association (CGMFA-ACGMV)
Fall 2023
Contest Results
Bobcaygeon, Ontario
Ontario Open Fiddle & Stepdance Results 2023
Open Fiddle
1. Kyle Burghout
2. Paul Lemelin
3. Jane Cory
4. Reid Warren
5. Courtney Drew
Robert Rathwell Canadian Tune of Choice Award: Kyle Burghout
18 and Under Fiddle
1. Lucas Candelino
2. Yvonne Fletcher
3. Alexis Mitchell
4. Jaidon Mitchell
5. Paige Roy
15 and Under Fiddler
1. Kameron Tellier
2. Brenna Broughton-Hall
3. Wilson Lazarus
4. Dexter Sernoskie
5. Caoimhe Doyle
6. Noah Jeaurond
7. Serena Sernoskie
8. Brady Medvic
Novice Fiddle
1. Natalie Duketow
2. Bridgette Faria
3. Olivia Faria
12 and Under Fiddle
1. Lucie Lazarus
2. Kassiani Pfeil
3. Padraig Doyle
4. Ciaran Doyle
5. Bridget Guy
Ray Rylott Memorial Scholarship Recipient: Padraig Doyle
9 and Under Fiddle
1. Theodore Broughton-Hall
2. Cillian Doyle
3. Avilla Callaghan
4. Emmy Connell
5. Elsie D’Angelis
6. Bridget Winn
7. Helen McMorrow
8. Tessy Ryall
6 and Under Fiddle
1. Otis Brown
2. Paul Ryall
3. Emylia Ryall
Younger Fiddler: Otis Brown
Duet Fiddle
1. Jane Cory & Paige Roy
2. Jackson Mitchell & Alexis Mitchell
3. Caoimhe Doyle & Jaidon Mitchell
Gospel Duet Fiddle
1. Courtney Drew & Leo Stock
2. Jackson, Alexis & Jaidon Mitchell
3. Caoimhe, Padraig & Ciaran Doyle
Junior Duet
1. Wilson & Lucie Lazarus
2. Dexter & Serena Sernoskie
3. Padraig & Ciaran Doyle
65+ Fiddle
1. Real Levesque
2. Joyce Anderson
3. Nancy Mellow
4. Karen Dares
5. Annamarie O’Neill
Oldest Fiddler: Real Levesque
50-64 Fiddle
1. Bill Smith
2. Michael Lemoire
3. Cassandra Swan
4. Carol Charlebois
19-49 Fiddle
1. Jackson Mitchell
2. Cara Broughton
3. Hillary Williams
4. Grace Greer
5. Sarah Johnston
Ontario Open Stepdance Results 2023
Open Stepdance
1. Leo Stock
2. Beatrice Herwig
18 and Under Stepdance
1. Kelsey Warren
2. Alexis Mitchell
3. Ellie Shantz
4. Cecille Greer
5. Jaidon Mitchell
15 and Under Stepdance
1. Kensington Ische
2. Julie McEvoy
3. Serena Sernoskie
4. Ali DeVries
5. Marikje DeVries
6. Grace Herlihey
Novice Stepdance
1. Adele McConnell
2. Molly McMorrow
12 and Under Stepdance
1. Lucie Lazarus
2. Claire Jardine
3. Michael Jardine
4. Natalie Duketow
5. Josephine Winn
6. Bridget Faria
7. Chelsea O’Neill
8. Morgan Bell
9 and Under Fiddle
1. Willem DeVries
2. Sabelle Ische
3. Lana O’Neill
4. Theodore Broughton-Hall
5. Joseph Jardine
6. Siobheann Faria
7. Bridget Winn
8. Isaac McIntosh
6 and Under Stepdance
1. Ellie Jardine
2. Miriam Callaghan
3. Isla Nicholson
4. Emylia Ryall
Younger Stepdancer: Miriam Callaghan
Open Group Dance
1. In Step
2. On the Fly
3. The Golden Steppers
Junior Group Dance
1. Keeping It Reel
2. Step by Step
3. Dynamic Dancers
4. Get Your Shoes
5. Country Cousins
6. BKP Steppers
50 & Over
1. Rita Hickey
2. Debbie Reid
3. Callista Kelly
4. Fern Storie
Oldest Stepdancer: Fern Storie
19-49 Stepdance
1. Dawn Dewar
2. Janet Mockler Duketow
3. Melanie Makela